Event Details

BC Builds is a new program delivered by BC Housing that speeds up the development of new homes for middle-income households by leveraging low-cost land, low-interest financing, and faster project timelines from concept to construction. BC Builds recently launched its Housing Development Opportunity platform to match available zoned land with developers and housing operators. The list of available sites is province-wide and growing quickly, and all are pre-zoned for multi-unit residential use, cutting down timelines and lowering costs associated with rezoning.

Join us for an in-depth session on the BC Builds initiative, where Lisa Helps will discuss pre-zoned land parcels and partnership prospects with the development industry. This is a great opportunity to learn about the BC Builds initiative and what this means for you


  • Lisa Helps (BC Housing)

    Lisa Helps

    BC Housing

    Lisa is currently working as Executive Lead BC Builds Project Origination and Process Innovation at BC Housing. Previously she was the Housing Solutions Advisor to Premier Eby for the start-up of BC Builds, a new housing program that uses public land, low-cost financing, and other innovative tools to get more housing built more quickly for working people in B.C. Prior to that she was a two-term Mayor of Victoria, British Columbia. As Mayor, Lisa worked hard to create deep collaboration across the community to get Victoria ready for the future and built connection across the Province as Co-Chair of the BC Urban Mayors Caucus to advance shared priorities for cities. Areas of focus included economic development and prosperity, housing, climate action, resilient infrastructure, and reconciliation.

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  • Anne McMullin (President & CEO of Urban Development Institute)

    Anne McMullin

    President & CEO of Urban Development Institute


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