
A Membership with Benefits – For Everyone

Whether you're dedicated to professional development, looking to work with government on real issues, or just want to make a difference in your local community, a UDI membership can help.

We're actively involved in challenges that affect the region and its people, and we're here to support you in the competitive landscape of the development industry while building sustainable communities in our own backyards.

The Benefits

Get your voice heard

  • We're your platform to get your voice heard, whether you're promoting your interests, or expressing your ideas or concerns about the issues that matter most to you.

Work with decision makers

  • Our members have strong relationships with municipal and provincial governments, which has been instrumental in influencing key public policy decisions.

Stay in the know

  • When policies change, they affect the industry – and you. You can count on us to keep you informed of changes from the municipal level to the provincial level.

Get ahead of the curve

  • Our in-depth research and analyses of current trends and future projections mean you can make informed decisions that better your bottom line.

Make a difference

  • Contribute to your community through one of our programs, from improving social housing and labour issues to developing environmentally responsible homes.

Connect with your peers

  • Thanks to regular networking opportunities and partnerships with industry professionals, you can connect with players in your field and find solutions to shared challenges.

Have fun along the way

  • With a robust social calendar, from development tours to golf tournaments, Under 40 events to luncheons, you can kick back with industry contacts and have fun talking shop.

Our members are involved in all facets of the development industry, from developers and builders to municipal governments – and everything in between. Our membership is corporate and open to virtually all industry professionals and associates.

Eligible Applicants

  • Developers / Builders
  • Municipalities
  • Accountants & Business Services
  • Appraisers
  • Architects
  • Charities & Non-Profits
  • Commercial Brokers
  • Communications
  • Construction Companies
  • Consultants
  • Crown Corporations
  • Educational Institutions
  • Engineers
  • Financers
  • Government
  • Law Firms
  • Lenders
  • Project Marketers
  • Property Management Firms
  • Realtors
  • Other Business Partners

Please Note: Membership eligibility is currently limited to those firms and organizations listed above. If the applicant firm has offices in more than one region, each office wishing to become a member must apply separately. Applications must be accompanied by references from two current members of UDI. Once complete, applications are circulated and ratified by the Board of Directors in a two-month process (three months for applications received in November and June). Incomplete applications cannot be processed.